Who is this stranger staring back at me?

One morning I wake up and wonder who that stranger is in the mirror

She seems always to have someone near her.

The ringtone on her phone brings fear of a call unwanted

That now the sound alone feels haunted.

The woman staring back at me looks lost

Like the constant caring has taken a cost

Who is this stranger staring back at me?

The woman who once loved a night out

She seems to be in a drought.

Appointment on her phone pile up

When will she get to fill her cup?

It looks like she lost herself in others

Sometimes too much caring can feel as if you are being smothered.

Who is this stranger staring back at me?

I know the true her is still deep inside

I wonder if this will be a case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Who would have guessed that the constant fear

Would make this stranger want to disappear?

I hope she understands

That her heart has room to expand

One day I hope to walk up and see

The happiest ME for she is finally self-doubtingly free.