written by
Lucinda Koza

I-Ally Mission Statement

Announcements 2 min read , February 6, 2021

I-Ally is for the family caregiver. I-Ally is not for the patient.

There are many communities and apps that focus on the patient, treating the family caregiver only as an extension of that patient. Mostly, the focus is on the patient and the family caregiver is completely invisible.

We believe this is damaging, harmful, and ignorant.

We believe the family caregiver needs services and support created solely for them. The family caregiver deserves a service focused on their wellbeing alone, and this is the only way a family caregiver can truly achieve wellbeing.

We believe family caregivers feel victimized, when in fact, they are extremely powerful.

As a result of being taken for granted by other family members, healthcare organizations, government policy and society at large, in addition to possibly feeling they had no choice in the assuming of their role as caregiver, these volunteer laborers are highly prone to depression and illness.

We believe the key to solving this problem is for family caregivers to become empowered in their role.

This can be accomplished by education and advocacy with the intention of battling ignorance on every level.

First, family caregivers hold the key to positive patient outcomes, for which they should be respected and recognized by healthcare organizations.

Second, they provide care at no cost, for which they should be celebrated and honored by government economic systems.

Third, they hold the key to financial decisions, healthcare decisions, and legal decisions for the person they care for. For this, they should be catered to and coveted by any marketing agency or company that is in the business of aging (of which there are many).

We choose to monetize I-Ally through vetted partnerships, because these companies are stepping in the correct direction by seeing family caregivers as powerful. Through sustaining I-Ally this way we are also empowering ourselves. These companies deserve the business of family caregivers because they provide value and they support our quest for empowerment.

I-Ally does not sell data.

We do not sell data to third parties for ads.

We do not sell data to third parties for research.

I-Ally is completely self-contained. We hold the power and the ownership of our own data. Through this, we achieve our mission, and seek to empower every member of the millennial family caregiver workforce worldwide. This is how we create a system that works for us; because without us, it would not work at all.

Written by Lucinda Koza February 6, 2021

family caregivers